Some Common Knowledge of Automobile Gas Stations

Refueling seems to be a very simple thing. Just drive the car to the gas station, choose the type of refueling, and pay for it. But it often seems that the simpler things, the more connotation the doorway is. Today, the editor will talk about refueling!

What does diesel Mark mean?

Internationally, light diesel is generally divided into 10#,5#,0#,-10#,-20#,-30#,-50#7 Labels. Currently, only 6 labels except 10# are applied in our country. The number in the diesel label represents the temperature required for the diesel to stop flowing, which is often referred to as the freezing point temperature.

Please refer to the following table for the correspondence between all 6 types of diesel and applicable tempure:

Diesel oil with 6 labels and its applicable tempure

Don't worry about the refueling time point

Some people think that the temperature is low in the morning, and the oil temperature is the lowest after one night's cooling of diesel oil; When the temperature is high at noon, the density of diesel oil will decrease, and the oil with the same number of liters, the actual amount is reduced. This statement is indeed in line with the physical knowledge of thermal expansion and cold contraction, but it seems scientific, but everyone should know that the oil tanks of gas stations are generally buried deep underground, which will be much less affected by external temperature changes, it is very rare that the oil temperature can differ a lot, so there is no need to worry too much about the refueling time.

Don't add too much oil

When some car owners saw that the cost was close to 100 yuan after jumping the oil gun, they asked the staff to "make up" and continue to refuel the fuel tank. In fact, this approach was very wrong, there are serious security risks. Diesel oil will expand when heated, and if it is too full, it is very likely that diesel oil will overflow directly from the fuel tank. Even if it does not consider its own expansion, it is likely to overflow gasoline when encountering some larger bumps, once a current or spark meets gasoline, the consequences are unimaginable. Especially in the hot summer, this risk is higher, so do not continue to add diesel for "making up.

Adding half a tank of oil will really save more fuel

Fuel consumption is not only related to engine technology, transmission efficiency, tire performance, wind resistance coefficient and other factors, but also has a great relationship with vehicle body weight, and the weight of gasoline certainly includes, although the weight of the fuel tank is very small compared with the total weight of the truck body, if it accumulates over time, it will indeed have a more fuel-efficient effect. Therefore, if you drive in the city, you can use a small number of times to refuel.

But if you run long distance, half a tank of oil is still...... Not enough!

Don't care too much about jumping guns during refueling.

Network Transmission Point of View: During the refueling process, if the oil gun (jump gun) is turned on or off at fuelling man, the oil gauge of tanker will be a little weak, that is, the number displayed is more than the actual oil added. Theoretically, this kind of error is possible, because the flowmeter within tanker has inertia when running. When the oil gun is suddenly closed, the flowmeter will not stop immediately, and the number beating on tanker will not stop immediately, the number displayed is greater than the actual fuel volume. However, in fact, this error is very small. As long as it is not deliberately repeated for many times, there is no need to care too much.

Have the card friends got these little knowledge? Refueling is the power source of your car. Don't underestimate the matter of refueling!