Are You Really Doing the Right Thing about Car Oil Cleaning?

Automobile oil circuit is divided into several types

The automobile oil circuit we usually talk about usually includes two types: oil circuit and gasoline circuit. The engine oil path refers to the way that the engine oil runs through the oil pump inside the engine. Gasoline circuit is also called fuel system, which refers to the pipeline between automobile fuel from the fuel tank to the combustion chamber of the engine.

The oil circuit mentioned in this article refers to the latter

That is, the fuel system of the car

It includes:

Fuel filter, gasoline pump, fuel pressure controlled valve,

Gasoline pipeline, carbon canister, fuel injection nozzle

Part I

The role of oil circuit in engine work:

As for the complete working principle of each part of the whole oil circuit, most of the car owners are not professional technicians. They do not need to study thoroughly, but only need to understand the basic working principle. The general working principle is also very simple, including the following steps:

1. The oil pump pumps the oil in the oil tank into the pipeline to maintain a pressure of about 2.5 kilograms.

2. The fuel filter plays a filtering function between the oil pump and the fuel pressure regulator to filter out harmful particles and moisture in the fuel.

3. The fuel pressure regulator controls the pressure in the oil circuit, and then injects the fuel into mist through the nozzle, and then enters the cylinder after mixing with air (some engines also use direct injection in the cylinder).

Part II

Reasons for cleaning oil circuit:

After the fuel system has been working for a period of time, the carbon deposit and gum formed by combustion will adhere to the nozzle, causing the nozzle to stick or even block. Impurities and dust in air and gasoline will also cause poor or blocked oil circuits, and finally carbon deposits and deposits will be formed on the nozzle (valves, combustion chambers and intake tube will also form carbon deposits, however, what is mentioned in this article is only for carbon deposition on the nozzle).

Part III

General method of cleaning oil circuit

1. Add fuel cleaner directly to the fuel tank, which is the simplest method, but the effect is not lasting and the cleaning effect is not thorough. Suitable for vehicles with short mileage.

2. Use the "hit infusion bottle" method for cleaning

The method of "playing infusion bottle" can cleaning oil carbon deposits and deposits of roads and valves at the same time, which is also a way that car repair shops usually recommend.

3. Use a disassembly-free washing machine for cleaning.

This method is to connect the oil inlet pipe and removable washable of the engine with the oil inlet pipe and oil return pipe of the cleaning machine through a special oil return pipe-free cleaning machine, and connect the oil inlet pipe and oil return pipe with a special interface to form a loop. It is convenient and quick to operate, but because it only cleans the nozzle and does not clean the carbon deposit on the valve, so..... . You know, car repair shops will not recommend. However, the effect of cleaning the oil circuit is obvious, which is a good way to clean the oil circuit.

4. Directly remove the entire oil circuit and clean it thoroughly.

This method is suitable for cars with more than 100000 kilometers and very serious oil blockage. Needless to say, the effect is definitely the best, but it takes the longest time and requires the highest technical requirements of maintenance personnel. And if you usually pay more attention to the care of the car, it is generally not necessary to adopt this method. Therefore, this method is also a last resort.

Part IV

Frequency of cleaning oil circuit

Cleaning the oil circuit is an essential maintenance project, but it is not done every time. Just take shampoo as an example. It is disgusting to wash your hair once a day, but it is unnecessary to wash your hair once an hour. Not only is it unnecessary, it will also cause damage to hair.

The cleaning of the oil circuit is the same. Some car owners are careless and feel that it is useless to clean the oil circuit. They never clean the oil circuit, which will cause the consequences mentioned above for a long time. There are also some car owners like those mentioned at the beginning of the article, who listen to some black heart repair shops that only focus on profit, and wash too often. It seems to be "love clean". In fact, it is completely unnecessary. Not only is it unnecessary. Because the cleaning agent contains a large number of chemical components, over-frequency cleaning will also cause great damage to the three-way catalyst, cause unnecessary damage to the vehicle.

The normal cleaning frequency should be 3-40000 kilometers/time, and it should be increased or decreased according to the road condition and vehicle condition. For example, the congestion of urban road conditions will accelerate the blockage of oil roads.