Can "Tire Pressure Reduction" Be Run-Flat Tire in High Temperature Weather in Summer?

It dropped to 7 months, and the weather was getting hot slowly. Everyone knew about the "heat expansion and cold contraction. Many car owners are worried about the increase of tire pressure in hot weather, which will affect driving safely and even have a puncture accident.

(Kit of tire burst accident!)

Therefore, there is a saying that reducing tire pressure and preventing tire burst on a hot day.

1 will hot weather lead to a substantial increase in tire pressure?

We assume that the tire pressure is 2.1Bar (tire pressure unit) at 25℃, then when the tire pressure reaches 125℃, the tire pressure is only 2.67BAR. (The safe tire pressure limit of this tire is 2.758BAR). However, the tires of ordinary domestic cars cannot reach the high temperature of 125℃ during normal use, so there is no problem of tire burst caused by high air pressure.

2 what is the harm of reducing tire pressure on a hot day?

1. If the tire pressure is too high or too low, part of the tread will not be grounded, thus reducing the grip of the tire and affecting the driving safety performance.

2. The tire with insufficient inflation will be excessively deformed and overheated, which will eventually lead to the rupture of the tire shell. Facts have pointed out that due to insufficient air, the tire Shell must bear most of the weight. Its potential danger is greater than that of excessive pneumatic tyre.

3. Air pressure can also affect the control of vehicles, (for example) the degree of insufficient or excessive steering, which seriously affects normal driving!

3 what is the range of tire pressure safety in hot weather?

When using the car normally on a hot day, our speed has little effect on the tire pressure. It is suggested here that all drivers and owners of their own cars should inflate them reasonably according to the requirements of automobile manufacturers and the pressure range of different brands of tires without deliberately lowering the air pressure.

4 for driving safety, what should I pay attention to in daily car tire maintenance?

1. Daily tire pressure check to avoid high or low tire pressure. Because the tire pressure is too high, the risk of tire burst may occur due to the inability to bear excessive expansion pressure under high-speed operation, and the tire pressure is too low. During the driving process, the tire is excessively retractable due to uneven road surface, make the tire in the fatigue period for a long time and accelerate the aging of the tire, so the standard air pressure of the tire should be maintained according to the manufacturer's requirements, including spare tire air pressure.

2. Regularly change tire positions. Is to cross the front and rear tires, (left front-right rear, right front-left rear) because cars are generally driven by front wheels, as driving wheel, its tire wear is more serious than passive wheels, and because the front wheel is a steering wheel, sliding friction is increased on the basis of rolling resistance, which makes the front wheel of the car wear more serious than the rear wheel.

Regular tire displacement can make the four tires of the car wear evenly, and make the front wheel (steering driving wheel) have better friction with the ground, thus avoiding the front wheel slipping and ensuring driving safety.
3. Conduct regular balance checks. Regular balance detection can not only prolong tire life, but also improve the stability of the car when driving.

4. Tires of different specifications cannot be mixed. Meridian line tires and bias tire have different lateral forces. If two different tires are installed on the same shaft at the same time, excessive or insufficient steering will be caused, or sideslip will easily be caused.
5. Timely replacement. It is suggested that the service life of the tire is about 40000 kilometers. If the road condition is very good, it can be extended to 60000 kilometers. If the mileage is less, it is also recommended to replace it if the service time is more than two years.