These Five Kinds of Car Supplies Are Used to Test the IQ of Car Owners.

There are a lot of products around the car, and there are more car supplies. Some car supplies are still three positive ones, such as tachograph or something, but there are still some car supplies, basically, it can be used to test the IQ of car owners. Generally speaking, the IQ tested is basically 0, because they are thinking about how to kill you every minute.

1. Safety belt buckle

The editor couldn't understand that some people didn't wear seat belts, and even felt ashamed to wear seat belts. This tape can rob your life with death at your most dangerous time. It only takes you 1 second to tie it when you get on the bus. Is it really so difficult? The manufacturer is also for you not to die so early. You have to buy this thing to plug in after you get the warning sound of not wearing a seat belt? Rough words, old iron, what's wrong with living?

2. Plush steering wheel

When Xiao Bian saw this thing on a treasure, he laughed too much to take care of himself. Is it cold? Unexpectedly, it also comes with its own hair style. It is the complete shape of the Super Saiyan in minutes, and there are only 7 beads left!

This thing is easy to get rid of, especially in case of some emergency situations, it is likely that it is a matter of even a few lives. If the local temperature is really low and the steering wheel is very icy, you can use the steering wheel cover made of suede to look at the high and sweat-absorbent. The key point is that you can hold the steering wheel!

3. Car tobao

Even if you are doing millions of business every minute, you don't need to put your mobile phone in this position, do you? This position is airbag! The bursting force of the airbag is likely to tear your mobile phone directly. The speed of the fragments of the screen flying out is not lower than that of the bullet. It's really a trick. This thing has been banned online, but many auto parts cities still have it. I hope it can also be supervised and supervised.

4. Large car perfume

I always feel that when designing and modeling the manufacturers of these things, they must discuss like this:

A: Do you think this style can bring enough secondary injuries to the driver when an accident occurs?

B: I don't think it's enough. In this way, if you cut more edges and corners, we must ensure that the lethality is strong enough.

A: Well, I think so too. It's better to take the car owner away.

5. Steering wheel assistance ball

In fact, this thing is usually used on forklift, and the effect is not bad. However, I really don't think it is very suitable to use it in the domestic car. It is nothing more than letting you use the steering wheel with one hand to change your driving habits imperceptibly.

These days, the steering wheel of the car is helpful, and it hasn't reached the point where it can't be broken off. If you are so delicate, you basically say goodbye to driving. Personally, I still don't recommend using it, be honest and practical. Drive with both hands.