What Kind of Car Should Use What Kind of Engine Oil, It Is Enough to Choose According to These Four Conditions!

Recently, I received a message from many car friends: "What engine oil should my new Santana use?" , "Can my Jetta add full synthetic engine oil?" As an old driver, Xiao Bian once struggled with the choice of engine oil. Today, he came to contact with the engine oil, bought and used the engine oil, change interested car friends to share those things about oil selection.

There are too many articles about oil on the Internet, but you still can't help asking: what kind of oil is suitable for my car? Mineral oil or full synthesis? If you really don't know what kind of engine oil to use, think about these four words before choosing engine oil: vehicle frequency, use demand, vehicle environment and vehicle maintenance cost.

Mineral engine oil: pay attention to cost, but it is cheap!

For car owners who don't use cars at ordinary times, they may not be able to run 5,000 kilometers in half a year and maintain them on time, mineral oil is absolutely suitable for you. Most mineral oil of the replacement cycle is within 5000 kilometers. If it is less than 5000 kilometers in half a year, the lubrication performance of the engine oil is just the same, which does not affect the performance of the engine, the cost of car maintenance is also low.

Another point is that it is not a cheap car that only uses mineral oil. Some car owners think mineral oil is very low, but do you know? For many medium and high-grade cars, the original engine oil is mineral oil. Although most car owners will choose to upgrade the engine oil after the first insurance, the editor thinks that as long as the non-turbo-charged entry-level and economical, the mineral oil is enough to meet the lubrication requirements of the engine, it can also make the maintenance of vehicles more economical.

The car is cheap, so I will come here when I change oil! What kind of practice car, scooter, used car, online car, taxi, from the use demand and car environment, mineral oil is obviously more suitable, there is no need to upgrade the engine oil.

The representative products of mineral oil include: yellow shell HX5, Castrol jinjiashu, Mobil Speed Master 1000, etc.

Semi-synthetic engine oil: self-priming turbine is easy to eat, saving money and easy to use!

Semi-synthetic engine oil is a mid-end product between mineral oil and fully synthetic engine oil. Its performance is much better than mineral oil. Many car owners feel that it is quieter and faster than mineral oil. Semi-synthetic engine oil has significantly improved its lubricating performance, cleaning ability and oxidation resistance. In the domestic environment, 7500 kilometers has basically become a "standard replacement interval" for semi-synthetic engine oil.

Many original engine oil with "T" cars are semi-synthetic engine oil, so semi-synthetic engine oil has become the most widely used engine oil. If your car is "non-low-end shopping cart", semi-synthetic is absolutely standard. It not only has the characteristics of synthetic oil, but also takes into account the economical and affordable characteristics, those who do not pursue violent driving should properly use semi-synthesis.

Representative products of semi-synthetic engine oil include: Mobil speed master 2000, Jiashi multi-magnetic protection, yellow shell HX6 and blue shell hx7.

Full Synthetic engine oil: rich and willful, players preferred!

Fully synthetic engine oil is famous for its high price. Generally, the maintenance price in 4S stores is 600 yuan. Self-purchase may be a little cheaper, but the overall cost is one part higher than that of mineral oil and semi-synthetic. Therefore, generally only high-end models can afford to use full synthetic engine oil.

In addition, if your car belongs to sports models, high-power performance cars, sports car, high-end urban SUV, off-road vehicles, these very characteristic models, full synthetic engine oil can be said to be necessary, better high-temperature motion performance can not only ensure oil film stability during intense driving, but also protect these delicate engines to minimize the wear of cold start.

Compared with mineral oil and semi-synthetic, fully synthetic engine oil starts faster at low temperature, lubricating oil enters the state faster, and high temperature speed rises faster. In the same working environment, fully synthetic engine oil has better oxidation resistance, therefore, its oil change cycle is much longer than that of semi-synthetic and mineral oil. Therefore, although the cost is relatively high, it is not necessarily much higher than that of mineral oil after comparing the oil change times and performance.

The representative products of all synthetic engine oil include: Meifu No. 1, Jiashi extreme protection, Shell helix Ultra.