Car Wash Precautions

Do you wash your car by yourself or find someone to wash it? Can you wash the car?

Is this a boring question? Even many car owners will not answer it! Do you still need to wash the car? Do you still need to learn?

First wet the car body with water, then wipe it with car wash liquid, then rinse it with clean water, and finally dry it car cleaning cloth. I believe everyone is washing like this. However, there are many precautions in this process, which will cause further damage to the vehicle if not operated properly.

What are the precautions? Then please follow the editor to look down

Avoid high temperature

At noon in summer, when the sun shines on the head, the surface temperature of the car can reach up to 60 ° under the action of sunlight. Washing the car with cold water not only accelerates the cracking of the surface paint, but also causes the metal to deform due to the temperature difference between cold and hot. So don't choose hot weather. Windless sunny days are the most suitable for Car Washing. When there is wind, dust and dirt will be carried, and cloudy days are not conducive to the volatilization of car moisture.

Location selection

It is best to choose the place where the car is washed in the shade of the building, which is ventilated and without sunshine.

Car wash process

1. Use clean tap water of well water. If the water quality is turbid with fine sand, it should be clarified later. When washing, the amount of water is insufficient, and the surface paint will be damaged if dust, stains and gravel are wiped across the car body.

2. Wipe from top to bottom and follow the water flow. Start from the roof-engine compartment cover-rear trunk-doors on both sides-tires.

3. Sponge should not be used to clean the car body, and towel should be used (note: the difference between car washing towel and towel for wiping cars). The direction of wiping is from top to bottom, but it cannot be wiped horizontally and repeatedly.

4. Use a special vehicle cleaning agent to use detergent. Avoid using washing products such as detergent, washing powder, and soap powder. Car washing will hurt the car paint.

5. When erasing dirt, pay special attention to the small place of the car body, the place that is easy to hide dirt, such as the window frame, the groove of the car body and other places where dirt is easy to remain.

6. The residual moisture of the car body should be wiped clean as soon as possible. Synthetic deerskin is used to absorb water easily. If the moisture of the car body is not dried in time, natural drying will leave water drops on the surface of the car body.


1. Clean thoroughly

The purpose of car washing is nothing more than to remove stains, etc. The residue of stains not only damages the waxing effect, but also seriously corrodes the car's surface paint.

2. Avoid temperature difference

The sudden cold and sudden heat of an object will cause some damage to itself, especially to metals. When the car runs for a period of time, especially in high temperature weather, the surface temperature of the car is very high, so high that eggs can be spread on it. At this time, the car wash, due to the huge temperature difference, it will damage or even crack the metal structure of the car, especially the internal structure of the machine. At this time, it is not suitable for car washing.

3. Do not wash some parts of the car directly with a water gun.

Some parts in the car are waterproof, but there are no such parts as engines and brake pads, and they cannot be washed directly with water cannons. Under normal circumstances, the accumulated water within brake system will be evaporated by itself due to the temperature rise during braking, so it will not affect brake system in summer, however, if you have just finished running mountain roads or frequently use brakes, it is not recommended to flush brake pads and discs with water immediately. Because the brake disc is very hot after use, flushing immediately will make the brake disc/disc burst. In addition, the temperature is low in winter, and the water is easy to freeze within brake system when washing the car, which greatly affects the braking performance. Therefore, after washing the car in winter, the vehicle should be braked in the open space for many times, remove brake system of the water as much as possible, and wait for brake system to work normally before driving on the road.