The Old Driver Told You Whether the Small Stone Stuck in the Tire Should Be Deducted Or Not.

Friends who often drive all know that if they hear the sound of the tire, there are only two possibilities: the tire is stuck with nails or small stone. If it is a nail, there is nothing to say, go to repair the tire as soon as possible. What if small stone is on the card?

Some car owners seem to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially when dealing with new cars, they are not allowed to have a little flaw in their cars, which is the same for tires. After driving back, turn around the car first. In addition to seeing any rubs, check the tire to see if it has small stone on the card. If there is one, one by one, for fear of hurting the tires.

However, some car owners are just the opposite. They think it doesn't matter how many small stone are stuck. Except for a little noise, there is no other influence. The car still runs very smoothly, so they are too lazy to take care of it. So, what should we do with this humble small stone after all? Let's see what the old driver said!

Many people have doubts, what is the use of a groove on the tire? In fact, it is used for drainage. In rainy days, the water on the surface of the tire can be removed in time to increase the grip of the tire. If there are too many small stone, the groove will be blocked, making the tire lose its drainage function. When driving in rainy days, the braking function of the vehicle will be reduced, and the probability of sideslip will be added. Therefore, from this point of view, the impact of small stone on tire function is still quite large, which should attract our attention.

If the card is small stone, the situation is not too serious, but if the card is sharp objects such as glass or small iron, the results will be different. Maybe the rubber on the outer layer of the tire will be punctured, and the steel wire in the tire will be punctured seriously. The danger will be greater, and the tire burst is also possible.

Therefore, in normal times, we should develop the habit of checking tires frequently. If something gets stuck in the tire lines, we can easily find a screwdriver and pick it off. But sometimes there are too many small stone stuck. A screwdriver can't solve the problem quickly. Don't worry, teach you a good way. Let off the tire first, and then hoe and meditation hoe and meditation after the air is released, small stone will fall easily. Of course, if you don't have anything to inflate, you can only go to the repair shop to teach the repair master this mission.

In general, if there are too many small stone, the braking function of the vehicle will be affected, and there will be some potential safety hazards. However, we do not need to leave the tire naked. There is no strict regulation here, we just know such a thing, depending on the situation.