Automotive Three-Way Catalyst How Long to Clean

"Driving is easy and difficult to raise cars" I don't know if you have such experience as an old driver. In order to make your car run more smoothly, in addition to some basic maintenance, throttle gate, fuel injection nozzle and intake port also need to be cleaned regularly. However, many people do not know that the three-way catalyst also needs cleaning, but it is ignored by people.

First of all, let's talk about what is a three-way catalyst and what is its function?

Three-way catalyst is the most important external purification device installed in automobile exhaust system, which can remove carbon monoxide from automobile exhaust, harmful gases such as hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide are converted into harmless carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen through oxidation and reduction. Because this catalyst can simultaneously convert three major harmful substances in the exhaust gas into innoxious substance, it is called ternary.

So, how to judge whether the three yuan needs cleaning? This is what the expert said.

1. If the exhaust pipe is suffocated and the exhaust is not smooth, it is likely that the three-way catalyst is blocked.

2. After cleaning throttle gate and nozzle, the vehicle still has insufficient power and increased fuel consumption, which may also be caused by the three-way catalyst.

3. When the cold car starts, it often smells smelly and mixed with gasoline, which is mostly because the three-way catalyst fails.

If the above situation occurs, it is very likely that it is caused by the three yuan problem. You need to ask the maintenance worker to check it as soon as possible to determine the cause. Although many car maintenance shops have three yuan cleaning agent, which is the one with infusion bottle, the cleaning effect is really not flattering, to a large extent, it just gives the owner a psychological comfort. The most effective method is to remove it and clean it, but it is too troublesome and the labor cost is high. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the three-way catalyst well at ordinary times.

1. Do not use inferior gasoline. When gasoline contains more lead or other impurities, some impurities will remain after combustion, and some of them will be discharged into the three-way catalyst along the exhaust pipe. In the long run, the three-way catalyst will be blocked. And this is the main reason for ternary blockage.

2. Try to ensure the normal operation of the engine and make the air-fuel ratio in the best state. If the fuel oil is not sufficient burning, carbon deposition will inevitably be formed, which not only increases the working intensity of the three yuan, but also easily forms carbon deposition on the three yuan, leading to its blockage.

3. After cleaning throttle gate and nozzle, we recommend that you clean it for three yuan at last. This is because cleaning throttle, the carbon deposit removed by the nozzle enters the three-way catalyst with the exhaust pipe. Three yuan will be blocked when carbon deposition is serious.