Why Can Taxis Be Hundreds of Thousands of Kilometers without Overhaul While Private Cars Cannot?

Do you still remember how many kilometers the longest car you have ever used? 200000 kilometers, 300000 kilometers or 500000 kilometers? Most private cars are almost replaced within 200000 kilometers, and many of them have experienced engine overhaul or their appearance has been broken.

Recently, someone asked me a very interesting question. Why are all kinds of taxis running around in the street, with sudden brakes, heavy oil and low-grade overtaking more durable than our private cars maintained regularly?

(Volvo traveled more than 4.8 million kilometers in 1966and is currently the longest record holder in the world) ▲

Indeed, the news of "one million kilometers without overhaul" is everywhere, but most of them are from the hands of the elder brother. Remember the expensive AU3228 Jetta? He has been in the automobile museum for many years, from buying a car to driving millions of kilometers, this car took 7 years.

In addition, two months ago, I saw an article of the same level. In a taxi company in Chongqing, there were more than 12000 taxis with a mileage of more than 700000 kilometers, the mileage of more than one million kilometers has also exceeded 2500, and 98% of the engines have not been overhauled.

Moreover, domestic taxis are usually tens of thousands of cars such as Jetta, Elantra and Elysee, and are almost low-distribution cars, most of which are uniformly adopted by the company and have no choice.

Let's take a look at our private cars. Before buying a car, many people must first look at which engine has good reputation, durability and few minor problems, and then have various configurations. After several rounds of careful selection, from tens of thousands to millions. Then there is maintenance. I insist on the maintenance of 5,000 kilometers diligently. As long as there is a problem, I will solve it immediately. It takes 2 hours to half a day each time. I am not diligent, it takes 10,000 kilometers to maintain it once. If there is any problem, fix it immediately. Change the engine oil, clear oil circuit, four-wheel positioning and so on all go up.

But in the end, most private cars could not escape the fate of "200000 kilometers overhaul Engine", even millions of luxury cars like Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Mercedes-Benz. Even many cars need to overhaul the engine for more than 100,000 kilometers.

Yes, the world is so unfair. You don't even dare to step on the accelerator every day. You regularly maintain and beauty the car. It is not as durable as the tools that friends make money.

This also leads to the problem that why taxis can complete "100 kilometers of engines without overhaul" and private cars are difficult to handle.

First of all, the basic operation rule of private cars every day is that driving out in the morning is more than ten kilometers away, and it is morning peak, stop and go, and stop in the garage after arriving at the company, occasionally, I will drive out to do something halfway, then park until I get off work, and then start driving home. The farthest one is only dozens of kilometers away, and it happens to be the peak at night. I will arrive at home after a stop and a stop, another night of parking, going round and round.

However, after the taxi starts in the morning, it starts to cross the street, have lunch or go to the toilet in the middle, and the flameout time is basically within 1 hour, and then continue to cross the streets and lanes, even when the shift is over, it only takes a few minutes, and even the fire does not need to be put out. This makes the engine running normally all the time. Of course, it is also because of the different nature of taxi usage that it is much simpler to drive millions of kilometers than ordinary private cars.

The other is the addition of engine oil. Although many private cars are regularly maintained for 5,000 kilometers or three months, many people drive less than 5,000 kilometers in half a year due to the small use of vehicles, this leads to a long maintenance time. However, some taxi companies require maintenance once a month or half a month, and at least require replacement/addition of engine oil. This opens up the gap between the engine wear of private cars and taxis.

When this is just to answer some netizens' questions, after all, the two cars have different uses, and private car owners don't need to envy their buddies that they can drive so far. However, what you should know is that cars are different from people. They are mechanical structures and are not afraid of using them. Instead, they are afraid of parking for a long time. Don't think that driving less is your car, in fact, the best way to maintain a car is to use more and drive more.