When the Car Put These 6 Kinds of Goods, the Police Saw That It Was Light, the Penalty Was Deducted, and the Weight Was Detained!

The old drivers drove on the road and met the traffic police to check the vehicle. They were fearless and showed their driver's license, driving license, etc. as required. They thought they could say goodbye to the traffic police, unexpectedly, the traffic police looked at the car and Deducted 3 points directly. The fine was 200 ~ the old driver was stunned at that time. He didn't know what was going on. Why was he punished? The traffic police replied that you had this in your car!

Hanging decorations

For many drivers with collection habits or religious beliefs, they may habitually buy ornaments as decorations for their cars, such as Buddha beads, Amulet, protective talisman, etc. However, based on the second rule of Article 62 of "Road Traffic Safety Law": Stop hanging and arrange articles that hinder the driver's vision within the front and rear windows of the vehicle cab. Therefore, once the traffic police find out, although no points are deducted fine you 50 yuan no discussion ~

Girl heart doll

Every girl has a girl's heart. Therefore, many female drivers like to put cute plush toys in Rear Window places, hoping to make the car cozy and romantic. As everyone knows, these plush toys will seriously block the driver's sight, so that they can not see the situation behind the car. It not only causes hidden dangers to their own safety, but also may endanger others. Therefore, once discovered by the traffic police, according the second rule of Article 62 of the Road Traffic Safety Law: stopping hanging and arranging articles that hinder the driver's vision within the front and rear windows of the vehicle cab. A fine of 50 yuan per minute.

Safety belt buckle

With the increasing safety awareness, many drivers have taken it as a habit to wear seat belts. However, there are still some drivers who are bold and not afraid of death and do not wear seat belts. Even some drivers bought safety belt buckle like the picture above to prevent the car alarm caused by not wearing the seat belt. In fact, this is a kind of self-deception. The main function of wearing seat belts is to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers and reduce their own injuries when encountering accidents, rather than to cope with traffic police, therefore, drivers still need to correct their thoughts. Of course, if the traffic police find for car interior of this, they will A fine of 200 yuan will be imposed and 2 points will be deducted.

Safety Belt stopper

Safety belt buckle finished, there is another thing that also affects our driving safety, called safety belt stopper. Maybe it's because if you don't wear a seat belt, you will be arrested and deducted points, and stopper this kind of thing came into being. Wearing a seat belt will not be punished for this, and it will be loose and comfortable. This method completely obliterates the function of the seat belt. Once a traffic accident occurs, the seat belt cannot prevent the driver from leaning forward, so the injury probability of drivers and passengers will increase, if it is light, it will hit the head or fracture. If it is heavy, it may fly out of the car.

E-dog monitor

For e-dog, this kind of monitoring or speed measuring tool is a kind of edge ball. According to the 16th rule of road traffic safety law: Motor vehicles shall not be installed and used to affect the installation of general tasks of traffic craft monitoring equipment. However, no response was made on how e-dog affected the equipment, so the driver who installed e-dog on the car still had to pay attention to it. Don't make sense when the time comes. The purpose of the driver installing E-dog on the car is very clear, in order to know the position of the camera on the road early, so as to avoid the capture of the camera. After all, I am worried about the capture of the camera only if I fail to obey the traffic rules during driving. Therefore, if e-dog of the cars are found by the police, they will not only be forcibly dismantled and confiscated, but also be fined.

Independent card changer

Someone above used e-dog to prevent illegal acts from being photographed. In order to prevent illegal acts from being photographed by the camera, drivers below installed a card changer on the car, commonly known as a card set. You should know the consequences of installing this, which is a serious illegal act. In the newly revised road traffic safety law, in addition to "fake plate vehicles", it involves forging, altering or using forged and altering motor vehicle registration certificates, number plates, driving licenses, for illegal acts such as using fake licenses, such as driving licenses, the punishment standards are to impose administrative detention on the parties under 15 days, impose a fine of more than 2,000 yuan and less than 5,000 yuan, and deduct the car. According to decree No. 111 of the Ministry of Public Security, 12 points will be recorded for those who use forged motor vehicle number plates and driving licenses. This means that in addition to accepting administrative detention and high-limit fines, the driver concerned will also be recorded with 12 points.