Precautions for Driving in Rainy Days

Precautions for driving in rainy days

Rainy days are one of the main factors leading to traffic accidents. To this end, relevant persons from the municipal public security traffic police department suggested that the majority of car owners should drive in rainy days: first, not fast; Second, "Reserve space".

1, overcome the fear of wetland driving

The road is slippery in rainy days, which is also a test for the braking of vehicles. Driving in rainy days, the first thing to overcome is the psychological barrier. If you can drive freely on the wetland, driving on dry ground will be more capable of dealing with emergencies.

2, don't act too hard"

The action should not be too fierce, which means don't step on the brake pedal or hit the steering wheel in case of emergency. When the vehicle is running on a wet road, the grip of the wheel will sharply decrease with the increase of the vehicle speed. If the operation is too fierce, it is easy to "water slippery". When driving on the brake pedal in rainy days, the form of "point brake" should be adopted, and the braking force output should be smooth and even if you step on the brake pedal continuously and gently to avoid wheel locking. Driving in rainy days, it is not appropriate to change the line suddenly, let alone accelerate suddenly.

3, ensure clear vision ahead

Driving in the rain, unclear sight is the biggest hidden danger, and wiper is particularly important at this time. In addition to the usual inspection and maintenance of the wiper, it is also necessary to check whether it is aging and whether the wiper is clean. If you feel that the wiper has vibration and abnormal sound at work, you can pull it up and touch it on the rubber wiper blade with your fingers to check whether it is damaged and whether the elasticity is invalid. If aging, hardening or crack occurs, it should be replaced in time. In addition, when there is a large amount of water in front of you, it is not appropriate to be too close to the car to keep a certain distance, which is conducive to seeing the environment and situation clearly. Otherwise, the splash driven by the vehicle ahead will affect the visual judgment. Keep Distance is a key element to ensure driving safely in rainy days. It is suggested that the driving speed should be controlled between 40 and 60 km/h as much as possible in rainy days, and at the same time, pay attention to the distance between the front and rear vehicles and your own vehicles at any time. Attention should also be paid to the distance from the car. Generally, the driving distance in rainy days is about 50% higher than that in sunny days, and the best distance is about 50 meters. In this way, even if the vehicle ahead is braked urgently, you will have sufficient distance to avoid it.

4, keep driving in a straight line

When driving the manual gear model, the best oil separation cooperation can not only make the vehicle start smoothly and make the power output smoothly, but also save fuel and prolong the service life of the clutch. This skill is often the least easy for beginners to master, and it often happens that the car body is turned off and jittered at the beginning. In addition, when driving shift, the clutch is loose too fast and it is easy to cause a meal, which not only destroys the car, but also feels very uncomfortable when driving. Some novices have developed the habit of stepping on the clutch pedal due to the unskilled operation of the clutch, which causes the clutch to be in a semi-clutch state for a long time and accelerates the damage of the clutch.

In case of heavy rain, if the effect of wiper blade cannot meet the visibility requirements, do not take risks to drive. You should choose a safe place to stop, open width lamp, and continue driving after hours of rain.

When the vehicle shifts gears in motion, the oil is equally important. With the increase of vehicle speed, the process of oil separation and coordination is gradually shortened, that is, the release speed of clutch pedal should be accelerated. In order to ensure the smooth shift process, the throttle should also cooperate reasonably, and do not cheer up fiercely. The ideal state is that during the shift process, the vehicle runs smoothly, the speed increases slowly, and no obvious instantaneous deceleration and acceleration can be felt. On the contrary, brake properly when slowing down and lowering gear, and press the clutch pedal to shift gear when the speed is appropriate.

5, reduce frequent parallel lines

Maybe your driving skills are already very skilled, but rainy days will make your steering wheel "lighter" than usual, so try to keep straight driving and try to stay in the specified Lane to reduce frequent parallel lines. When you really need to parallel or turn, you 'd better slow down in advance and then turn again. The relevant person in charge of the municipal public security traffic police department reminded the majority of drivers that the weather in guangzhou is mainly rain and fog in spring and summer. In addition to keeping a safe distance between vehicles, they should also be careful to avoid pedestrians and riders in the rain. Special tips:

(1) in case of heavy rain, if the effect of wiper blade cannot meet the visibility requirements, do not take risks to drive. You should choose a safe place to stop, open width lamp, and continue driving after hours of rain.

(2) in case of heavy fog, low visibility, or heavy rain, vehicles driving on the expressway should start width lamp immediately, and drive into the service area as soon as possible to wait or leave the expressway.

(3) when following the car, overtaking or meeting the car in the rain, the safety distance should be plus-sized with the vehicle and the edge of the road. When encountering accumulated water in the process of driving, we must first observe the depth of water, and it is not appropriate to continue driving if it overflows the axle.

(4) before entering the floodwater area, pay attention to keeping a large distance from the vehicles in front. For unfamiliar roads, drive along the route that the vehicles in front pass to avoid obstacles in the water. After entering the water, use a slow speed to advance at a constant speed, and do not stop in the water. After the vehicle drives out of the flood road, it cannot drive at high speed immediately. Only when the brake is valid can it drive normally.

Correct method of wading

Driving wading in rainy days and summer is a common situation that people often encounter, and driving people inevitably have to travel through the stagnant Road. When the owner wades in the water, he should operate the vehicle correctly. Improper operation not only makes the vehicle unable to pass through the accumulated water area safely, but also causes serious hidden trouble.

1, car wading cannot exceed 40 CM

First of all, we should slow down or stop to observe. As long as the water level reaches 2/3 of the bumper or tire, there will be certain danger when wading. Fast speed will increase the actual water depth of the car, causing rainwater to enter the cab from the cabin or from the chassis. Avoid driving in reverse ahead sea with the cart. If the water level is high through observation, we should try our best to bypass and do not force through.

According to authoritative sources, the maximum wading depth of common models varies, among which off-road vehicles are about 60cm and cars cannot exceed 40cm. When the vehicle wades, if the water surface exceeds the exhaust pipe, it is forbidden to start the engine. It is better to call the rescue phone immediately, and try to make the front of the vehicle high and then low, so that the water in the exhaust pipe flows out, after the professional personnel check that there is no water, restart the car.

2, do not accelerate when the car wades

As far as possible, do not stop, do not change gears, do not recycle the throttle, and do not accelerate. The middle and high throttle should pass at a constant speed in the low gear, instead of passing through the splashing waves or water flowers quickly.

3, the car is shut down in the water, do not start immediately

However, measures should be taken as soon as possible to drag the car to a safe place with less water. Engine water intake is a very serious problem. Water can enter from air filter through exhaust, and then enter the cylinder by intake tube. At this time, don't try to start the engine again, otherwise it is very likely to cause the deformation of important parts such as the crankshaft and connecting rod of the engine, causing the automobile engine to shake, and the parts can be broken seriously. Flameout in the water is likely to cause the engine to enter the water. After flameout, only the neutral trailer can be hung into the repair shop for cleaning.

4, after the car wades, the brake pad moisture should be removed in time

Especially the car with drum brake, otherwise the vehicle will lose brake after wading, causing serious danger or accident. The specific operation is: when driving at low speed, step on the accelerator at the same time and step on the brake lightly. People who do not use one foot can step on the brake many times. At this time, pay attention to the slow speed. Repeatedly, brake drum and brake pads are rubbed to generate heat energy to evaporate and drain moisture.

Three-step simple handling after the vehicle is immersed

When the car is flooded, the car owner who has some common sense will not reignite the car, but will call the insurance company to report the car damage insurance and call the 4S shop to call the trailer to tow the car away. Before the arrival of the trailer, if the owner has practical ability, he can still do some simple processing.

1, take photos

Save the photos of the car being soaked in water, and it will be necessary for insurance claims and even lawsuits in the future.

2. Before the trailer arrives, it is best to disconnect the battery power of the vehicle as soon as possible.

Usually, the negative wiring pile of the battery is disassembled, and the gear position of the gearbox is selected as neutral position, so as to avoid misoperation and start in the process of the trailer and expand the loss to the vehicle. This is very critical, because often when the trailer is in the trailer, the steering wheel of the vehicle needs to be unlocked mechanical lock with a key, but at the same time, the power switch will be connected to the vehicle, once the power is applied, the losses caused are huge, and this misoperation insurance company will never compensate.

3, be sure to call the trailer in time and drag the vehicle to the maintenance station.

But generally, 4S stores only have one or two trailers, which may delay the best time for trailer rescue. Car owners and friends can also ask insurance companies to provide trailer assistance. Many insurance companies also have such rescue projects, which is really not good. They can call the trailer company at their own expense, but they must pay attention to it, don't let the unprofessional personnel of the trailer company power up the vehicle, and make sure to put the transmission in neutral when you trailer. As a car owner, we must carry out correct rescue on the vehicle in time to avoid the vehicle soaking in the water for a long time. Because if the electronic components of the vehicle are damaged due to long-term immersion in water, the car owner may be claim rejection due to 'untimely delivery' when settling claims.

A series of safety checks are required after the vehicle enters the water.

The car accidentally enters the water. Many people think that once the car is dragged to the maintenance station, everything will be fine. Actually, it is not. The water enters the water and the damage to the vehicle is very serious, the owner must find a trustworthy 4S shop and do the maintenance confirmation step by step according to the process.

1. After the car comes out of the water, check the engine: first check whether there is water in the engine cylinder, which will cause the connecting rod to be bent and damage the engine. After judgment, if it is determined that water enters the engine, the spark plug should be removed first, the fuel supply system and ignition system should be cut off artificially, and then the engine should be operated by using the motor, the water entering the engine is discharged smoothly.

2. At the same time, it is necessary to check the oil condition of each system of the vehicle, so as to avoid deterioration of the engine oil and loss of lubrication caused by foaming, turbidity and other phenomena after entering the water, in addition, water may have sand particles, which may cause excessive wear of the engine. At this time, it should be cleaned and replaced in time. After the inspection is completed, the internal electrical connection parts of the engine compartment should be cleaned to prevent corrosion and sand residue caused by moisture accumulation in the electrical connection parts. The key clearance parts are: fuse box, sensor plug, body water storage. After the above parts are cleaned up, the vehicle road test can be carried out, try to keep driving at medium and low speed, and listen carefully to whether there is abnormal noise in the driving process of the engine. If there is obvious driving noise, the engine bearings and rotating parts should be checked again to prevent these parts from being damaged due to excessive wear.

3. If water enters the car in wading, the maintenance process is mainly to clean up the water in the car. There are several sealing strips located at the lower part of the vehicle chassis. Opening the strips can release the water in the car. However, due to the strong water absorption of car interior decoration materials court mats, court mats should be removed and placed in a spacious space to facilitate the evaporation of water. After installation, attention should be paid to turning on the air conditioner and adjusting the vehicle circulation switch to the internal circulation, the water vapor in the car is discharged out of the car through the air conditioning system, which can dehumidify more effectively to avoid mildew and deterioration of vehicle supplies affecting the use.

4. Chassis components are easy to cause deterioration of lubricating oil during wading, especially involving steering, transmission and other systems. At the same time, you should carefully listen to whether there is abnormal sound coming out of the chassis during the road test, or disassemble and inspect the chassis.

5. Check whether the gearbox is also flooded, because the gearbox water will deteriorate the gear oil of the gearbox, and the lubrication effect will fail. Long-term use will cause gear wear. However, the automatic gearbox model also needs to check whether the automatic gearbox and gearbox control computer are flooded.

6. Brake fluid and four-wheel brakes are items that must be checked. This is an important item related to driving safety. Here, brake fluid and brake fluid will deteriorate when water enters, which will lead to brake failure, if it is serious, it will cause traffic accidents.

After the rainstorm detailed explanation of claims for vehicle flooding

How do we deal with these "injured" cars after heavy rain? Under what circumstances can insurance companies claim compensation? Here we list several common "injuries" after heavy rains for analysis, and you can take your seats accordingly.

Question 1: flameout due to heavy rain. If the vehicle is started again, will it definitely not compensate?

Vehicle Environment: no matter Air Inlet the rain enters the vehicle during driving, it will cause flameout, or the vehicles stopped in the community/Underground/Street will be less than air inlet by rain, as long as the vehicle is started again, it will cause damage to the engine.

All insurance companies reply: in this case, if you have wading insurance (special engine loss insurance), you can claim compensation, but according to different insurance companies, there will be about 20% deductible, that is to say, about 20% of the maintenance cost needs to be paid by the owner. If you want to get 100% compensation, you need to purchase another wading insurance without compensation (and the non-compensation of car damage insurance is two types of insurance). If you are not involved in the water risk at all, the damage caused by the intake of the engine cannot be settled, nor can you claim compensation through the car damage insurance. Applicable to all insurance companies.

Question 2: the stopped vehicle was soaked in rain. How to claim compensation if the vehicle is not started?

Vehicle Environment: vehicles parked in the community/Depot/Street were suddenly caught in heavy rain (no passive flameout) and were not started afterwards.

All insurance companies reply: in this case, claims can be settled through car damage insurance. The trailer service of the insurance company can be used to transport the vehicle to the nearest loss fixing point of the relevant insurance company.

Question 3: Stopped vehicles drift off the ground due to rain and float against other vehicles or objects. How do I claim compensation?

Vehicle Environment: vehicles that are active or forced to stop driving are forced to impact other vehicles or objects along the water flow due to the buoyancy of the water drifting off the ground, and do not start the vehicle again.

All insurance companies reply: if you hit other vehicles after floating, first find the traffic police to judge the responsibility. After the certificate of responsibility is issued, the insurance company of the responsible party will claim compensation through the car damage insurance. After floating, it hits other objects (such as houses/telegraph poles/trees, etc.) and can also be settled through car damage insurance. However, PICC auto insurance cannot claim compensation through car damage insurance. In this case, we can try to claim compensation through third party liability insurance.

Question 4: Can I claim compensation if I don't have wading insurance (special engine loss insurance)?

All insurance companies reply: if the engine is damaged due to water inflow, compensation cannot be settled if there is no risk of wading (special damage insurance for the engine).

Question 6: break the glass to escape after meeting the water, didn't you pay for the glass separately?

All insurance companies reply: no matter escape or other circumstances, if the glass is not broken separately and the glass is broken from the car by itself, the insurance company will not compensate. However, if the vehicle glass is broken due to collision, the insurance company can claim compensation through the vehicle damage insurance.

Question 5: can vehicles without warranty period Pass 4S does the store replace accessories damaged by heavy rain for free?

Each 4S store reply: no, it must be settled through the insurance company.

Question 7: What certificates do you need when settling claims? Is it different from the general claim process?

All insurance companies reply: after reporting the case within 48 hours, the original ID card of the insured, the original policy, the driving license and the driver's license shall be carried out for claims settlement, which is the same as the general claims process.

Question 8: claims due to natural disasters, 2nd will the annual premium rise?

All insurance companies reply: when the premium rises in the second year, it will rise.

Question 9: which natural disasters cannot be settled?

All insurance companies reply: earthquakes and their secondary disasters (including fires, explosions, toxic and harmful substances pollution caused by the destruction of engineering structures, facilities and natural environment caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, mudslides, landslide and other disasters), the above natural disasters cannot be settled through car damage insurance.

Tips for vehicle claims

1. When entering commercial insurance, it is best to purchase "special insurance without compensation" for car damage insurance. In this way, for general accidents (excluding robbery), the amount of compensation shall be borne by the insured in proportion, insurance companies will be responsible for compensation, which is quite cost-effective. It is worth noting that wading insurance has its own "no compensation", with a deductible rate of about 20%, which needs to be purchased separately.

2. Any vehicle that wants to claim compensation through insurance must report the case within 48 hours after the accident, and then proceed with the next claim settlement procedure.

3. If stalled vehicle is smashed by a tree on the roadside, when the owner or unit of the tree cannot be found, you can claim compensation through the insurance company's car damage insurance, but generally there will be a 30% deductible rate, even if you purchase non-deductible insurance, the owner must bear 30% of the maintenance cost (the specific situation depends on the location and extent of the vehicle damage, please negotiate with your insurance company as the result).

4. Under any circumstances, the interior water can be settled through car damage insurance. If the car door cannot be opened after it meets the water, in view of the shortage of trailers in Beijing recently, the car owner can find the unlocking company first, clean it up simply by himself, and then arrange the trailer to be transported to the 4S shop for overhaul. After asking several 4S stores of different brands, we learned that the earliest rescue trailer in Beijing has been discharged to July 27. If the vehicle is seriously flooded during this period, do not start the vehicle privately, the interior can only be cleaned simply.

5. If the engine or frame of the vehicle needs to be replaced due to heavy rain, and 3 or more of the gearbox assembly, drive axle assembly, dead axle assembly, steering system, front suspension and rear suspension are damaged, there is no need to send it to the repair shop. According to the relevant national regulations, it can only be forced to scrap.

6. If the rescue trailer of 4S shop is tight and cannot help you with the trailer in a short period of time, the trailer service of the insurance company is preferred at this time, because the insurance company usually has a free trailer within 100 kilometers. If you find other trailer companies to bear the expenses incurred by yourself, insurance companies and 4S stores will not be reimbursed.