Lavida of Shanghai Volkswagen Vehicle Maintenance Report (I)

Topic 1: New Lavida turn to trouble light alarm

Car model: new lavida

Maintenance situation
1. After replacing steering column, turn the red light on the instrument;

2.44-power steering system fault code: P106900 collision cut-off has been triggered and cannot be cleared.

Technical support

  1. In ODI S, enter "44-power steering", perform "control unit self-diagnosis", select "access permission", enter the login code in the pop-up window: 20103, click Go (Figure 1).

2. Enter "44-power steering" again, perform "self-diagnosis of control unit", select "basic settings", and select "reset of all matching values" into the right selection box, click to go to the next step (Figure 2).

3. Skip UDS basic settings-set parameters. In UDS basic settings-select measurement value, select [MAS00478]_reserved into the right selection box and click to go to the next step (figure 3).

4. Select basic settings and click start to complete the basic power steering settings (Figure 4).

5. Enter "44-power steering" again to clear the fault code and solve the fault.

Maintenance suggestions

For models equipped with CEPS steering system (New Lavida, Gran Lavida, new Santana, new Polo), the power steering controller software has added the function of collision protection. In the process of disassembly and assembly steering column, if the airbag reset ring is not in the normal position, it may cause abnormal corner signal, trigger the controller to start this function, resulting in false alarm of steering trouble light.

Topic 2: New Lavida charging indicator light is always on

Car model: new lavida

Failure phenomenon: when driving normally, the battery indicator light in the instrument is occasionally lit or always on (figure 5).

Maintenance situation

1. Confirm that the fault exists;

Within 2.09, there are 00 447 001 due to the high voltage, the function limit exceeds the upper limit and occasionally occurs;

3. The replacement of battery, generator, BCM and engine control unit has not been solved.

Technical support

1. Exclude upgrade modification of vehicles;

2. Measure the normal charging voltage and charging current of the generator;

3. Check that the T4n and T2ax connectors are normal, and the T73b/49 wiring harness resistance and waveform from T2ax/1 to BCM are normal, t2ax/2 to engine T94/79 pin wiring harness resistance and waveform are normal (figure 6) ;

4. Check that BCM ground wire and engine ground wire are normal;

5. Check the BCM power supply line and find that the SB5 fuse socket opening is too large (Figure 7). After repairing the fuse socket, the fault is solved.

Maintenance suggestions

For the failure phenomenon of charging indicator light, the following aspects can be considered:

1. Upgrade modification (installation of electrical equipment, GPS, anti-theft device, cigarette lighter, etc. on navigation and e-dog);

2.220v inverter power supply;

3.BCM power supply line and ground rail line;

4. Engine DF signal line;

5. Generator, generator belt and its belt tensioner;

6. Instrument, BCM or engine control unit.

Theme 3: Langyi dashboard has a sound of running water

Car model: lavida 2.0 MT

Failure phenomenon: when steering, there is a sound of running water within dashboard.

Test Run

1. Check that there is no leakage;

2. Start the vehicle and the engine is normal at idle speed;

3. The direction in place is normal;

4. When the vehicle is moving to the left or right, it can hear the sound of running water similar to "rushing" within dashboard, and the phenomenon is confirmed.

Maintenance situation

1. Remove the pollen filter and check that the drainage hole of the engine compartment drainage board is unobstructed;

2. Remove the dashboard horizontal next door cover, with water flowing out. After the water pipe is cleaned, the phenomenon is excluded (Figure 8).

Maintenance suggestions

The reason for this phenomenon is that the lower part of the windshield and the corner of the windshield are not tightly sealed. In rainy days or car washing, water slowly penetrates into the cavity next to the dashboard (1J 0 803 155C) and accumulates inside. After discharging the water in the cavity next to the horizontal wall, glue the underpart of the front windshield and the corner of the seal. If necessary, cover can not be installed (Figure 9).

Note: there is another mode of Langyi running water sound, please pay attention to distinguish.

Model: Lavida full series. Phenomenon: when the engine is idle, you can hear the sound of running water within dashboard.

Analysis: The sound of running water is the sound of engine coolant passing through heater water tank.

Solution: change the status to expansion tank.

Principle: due to the structural reasons of Lavida expansion tank, the air in the engine cooling system cannot normally gather in the upper part of the expansion tank, but will enter the cooling system again, resulting in the sound of running water.

Improvement: The New State part number 1J0 121 403E, and the new state parts will be switched about January 2009.

Topic 4: Lavida 2.0MT cannot be with stops

Model: Lavida 2.0MT

Failure phenomenon: the vehicle cannot be with stops.

Maintenance situation

Check that the shift cable is broken. Replace the cable. After 6 days of driving, it will break again.

Technical support

1. If there is deviation in the position of the transmission, check that the supporting bolt on the left side of the transmission falls off (Figure 10).

2. Install bolts according to the specified torque again, and replace the shift cable to solve the problem.

Topic 5: Langyi 1.4T key cannot be turned

Car model: lavida 1.4T

Failure phenomenon: when starting the vehicle, sometimes the key cannot be turned.

Maintenance situation

1. If the steering wheel is not locked, turn the key and sometimes send the card;

2. Lubrication treatment of ignition lock cylinder, the effect is not obvious.

Technical support

Replace the ignition lock cylinder (part number: 107 905855 CH) and solve the problem.