[Popular Science] Do You Really Understand Loader Instruments? Come in and Learn!

Loader meter switch functions

1. Fuel oil level panel

Fuel oil Level Panel: If the pointer drops to the red area (0-1/8), the fuel level indicator flashes, and the sound alarm will remind you to refuel.

2. Engine water-thermometer

Engine water-thermometer: when the pointer is in the range of 40 ℃ to 103 ℃, the water temperature is normal; When the water temperature is> 103 ℃, the alarm will be given, and the fault code will be displayed on the dashboard; When the water temperature is> 105 ℃, the engine will turn off.

3. Torque converter oil thermometer

Torque converter oil thermometer: oil thermometer when the pointer is in the range of 40℃ ~ 120℃, the oil temperature is normal; When the pointer is in the red area, stop the machine for inspection.

4. Left indicator light

5. Right indicator light

6. Rocker switch