[Rising Knowledge] Inexplicable Increase in Fuel Consumption???

Many car friends know how many kilometers they can run by filling up a tank of oil, but sometimes they find that the same tank of oil can't run so far and then there is no oil, which inexplicably increases fuel consumption, some car owners attribute this situation to the aging of the car, while ignoring the increase in fuel consumption caused by the details in the maintenance of the car. Today, let's pick up some reasons for the inexplicable increase in fuel consumption.

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Tire pressure reason

When the tire pressure is too high, the tire pressure will reduce the friction and adhesion of the tire, affect the braking effect, and also affect the life of the tire; It will also lead to the decrease of the puncture resistance of the tire, which is easy to cause tire burst; in addition, the local wear of the pattern in the center of the accelerated tire tread will reduce the life of the tire and increase the vibration of the car body, which will indirectly affect the life of other parts. This should be paid attention to when inflating the tire.

Another situation is low tire pressure, this is a big reason for the increase in fuel consumption.

When the tire pressure is too low, the steering wheel will sink, which is easy to run off. At the same time, it will also cause damage and abnormal wear of the bead and decrease the tire strength. The biggest factor is that the friction between the tire and the ground increases exponentially, it will cause a sharp rise in tire temperature, a soft tire, a sharp drop in strength, and high-speed driving of vehicles, which will also lead to tire burst.

However, most cars are now equipped with tire pressure monitoring devices. Cars that are not equipped with this function should pay attention to it. When some situations such as steering wheel sinking occur, the tire pressure should be checked in time, prevent the damage caused by low tire pressure.

Spark plug, exhaust valve carbon deposit reason

Due to oil products or driving habits, abnormal combustion occurs in the cylinder, such as deflagration and surface ignition, which will increase spark plugs and exhaust valve carbon deposit, carbon deposit or aging of spark plug will make ignition energy and ignition stability decrease, resulting in increased fuel consumption.

Exhaust carbon deposition will lead to insufficient intake air, reduced charge coefficient, insufficient combustion and thus increased fuel consumption. Exhaust valve carbon deposition will lead to insufficient exhaust gas and increased residual exhaust gas in the cylinder, indirectly affecting the intake process.

Generally, this happens when cars run to 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers, so we should pay attention to check whether this phenomenon exists when raising cars at this time, and if so, we should clean it.

Replacement of "three filters"

Three filters: air filter, oil filter, gasoline filter.

These three items need to be replaced regularly. If they are not replaced for a long time, they will get dirty, the filtration capacity decreases, the fuel combustion is insufficient, and the fuel consumption will naturally increase., so you should pay attention to the replacement time.

Misalignment of various sensors

Generally, this kind of situation rarely occurs, but it should also be paid attention.

Oxygen Sensor the unpunctuated oil-gas mixing ratio will become inaccurate, resulting in insufficient combustion. Once the water temperature sensor is inaccurate or there is a problem with the electronic fan line, the electronic fan will run continuously, causing the water temperature to drop, gross effect of the engine will decrease, resulting in an increase in fuel consumption.

Insufficient cylinder pressure

Generally, it is because of the poor air tightness of the cylinder, which usually occurs on a 200 thousands or 300 thousands-kilometer vehicle, which will lead to a decrease in the energy conversion efficiency of the engine and an increase in fuel consumption.

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Fuel heavily when driving

Many people see in the movie that it is very undesirable to bang the accelerator with big feet before starting, which will lead to insufficient fuel combustion and increase fuel consumption.

Each car has its own economic fuel consumption speed range, which is generally about 80 km/h. If you drive at high speed for a long time, the fuel consumption will increase.

Frequent braking

Frequent braking consumes the kinetic energy of the car itself, and then starts to accelerate frequently. At this stage, when the engine load is large, the fuel consumption will also become higher, and the longer the start acceleration time, the higher the fuel consumption will become, therefore, it is necessary to slow down in advance when using daily vehicles and do not brake frequently, which will also increase fuel consumption.

Having said so much, it is nothing more than letting the majority of car friends pay more attention to their cars when they are used to maintain their cars.