[Rising Knowledge] Do You Believe These Rumors about Engine Oil?

The engine oil is related to the daily car experience of the old drivers, and even it is not too much to say "change the engine oil to change the car", but there have always been some rumors about the engine oil, which are true and which are false, the following small editor will take you to break them one by one.

The higher the oil viscosity number, the better the quality? |

Generally, the oil viscosity here refers to the standard number 5W-30/0W-20. Some users have the inertia thinking that the higher the number, the better the quality, but this is not the case.

Take 5W-30 and 5W-40 as examples. Theoretically, the quality of these two engine oils with the same viscosity of the same brand and series is the same. The difference is that the viscosity of the engine oil with the 40 grade is larger than that of the 30 Grade, it should be better protected in a higher temperature working environment. However, the optimal working temperature of some cars will not be at that temperature under the original factory setting state. Instead of enjoying the proper protection performance, it even affects the performance of the engine, causing problems such as scuffing of cylinder bore.

Therefore, it is best to choose the engine oil according to the owner's manual recommend of the original car, or you can communicate with the customer service in advance. Generally, professional customer service will give professional answers. The more full the engine oil is, the better? The more full the oil is, the better. If the oil is too much, on the one hand, it will increase the stirring resistance of the crankshaft and increase the internal loss of the engine; At the same time, there will be the risk that the oil will enter the combustion chamber through the intake system, cause carbon deposition. Therefore, the engine oil is not as full as possible. It should be controlled between the upper and lower scale lines of oil dipstick. Of course, professional oil change service can reduce some risks caused by misoperation. Is burning oil the "pot" of oil "? The oil burning pot should not be fully backed. Most of the engine oil burning is caused by engine mechanical faults such as valve seal, air-oil separator and other parts. Pay attention to timely maintenance and reduce losses as early as possible. When using a car at ordinary times, pay attention to the timely maintenance and selection of genuine goods engine oil. You can also cooperate with some additives to slow down the wear of the engine and reduce the risk of mechanical failure to a certain extent. Oil only needs to be added and not replaced? Under daily working conditions, the oil volume of engine oil decreases, especially in some models, which will be more obvious. Many old drivers will develop the habit of checking the oil volume of the machine everyday. When they see that the oil is less, they will add it directly, but they may not completely change it for many times. If the engine oil is not changed for a long time, the oil will become thicker with mixed oil stains, which will affect the normal operation of the engine. At the same time, the accumulated pollutants will also damage the engine components. Therefore, it is necessary to change the oil regularly, and it is better to change the oil filter synchronously when changing the oil. The engine oil will turn black. Is the quality poor?"The changed oil is so black, this oil must not work", which is a question many car friends will have. The blackening of the engine oil is actually a manifestation of the strong cleaning ability of the engine oil. The engine oil absorbs the carbon deposit generated by combustion and the oxide of the engine oil, and changes out when changing the oil, thus ensuring the internal cleaning of the engine. On the contrary, it is only when the civil engine oil keeps the original color when changing the oil that makes people afraid. Some friends may ask whether the oil is changed more frequently, and the editor can speak responsibly, indeed. You see, the engine oil used for F1 racing cars is basically changed after a few laps. But if ordinary civilian cars are changed like this, it must be that there is a mine at home.