[Rising Knowledge] What Is the Culprit of Car Jitter?

Car jitter, as one of the common problems in cars, although it seems that "there is not much fault", it only affects our driving mood, but there are often big problems hidden behind this "small fault, if the fault is not eliminated in time, it is likely to cause greater hidden dangers, and it will be late to regret! Today, the editor will talk to you about the culprits that cause "car jitter.

Distinguish body jitter from engine jitter

First of all, we need to distinguish whether our car body jitter or engine jitter. The way to distinguish is also very simple. If the car is shaking from your ignition, it can be basically determined as the engine shaking. However, if the car starts to shake after it starts, the cause of the jitter can be determined on the body jitter.

Causes of body jitter

There are not many reasons for body jitter, which can be basically determined on the chassis problem, but the chassis problem that will affect the body jitter is as follows:

1. Brake disc is uneven

Because the driving habits of car owners are not good, they often brake heavily and brake sharply, which may lead to problems such as uneven consumption and deformation of brake discs. You won't notice it when driving at ordinary times, but whenever you step on the brake, it will be accompanied by the shaking of the car body and the brake bullet feet. If you go to the repair factory for maintenance, you will generally choose grinding and repair. If the wear is serious, you may also replace it.

2. Knuckle mechanic failure

Knuckle mechanic problems will also cause car jitter, especially for cars with hydraulic transmission system. If there is a loss in power-assisted steering fluid and the steering device fails, the car is likely to shake when driving. The solution is that the steering wheel will also be accompanied by car jitter caused by knuckle mechanic. Once the source of the fault is determined, go to the repair factory and 4S store to find professional personnel to repair it.

3. Drive half shaft is not concentric

If the half shaft is deformed or bent, the two drive half shafts will not be on the same axis. This kind of situation is generally manifested in the situation that there is no problem when the car is idle. When it is started, it jitters and returns to the situation that there is no problem when it is idle again. If your car is shaking like this, you can check the axle.

The cause of engine jitter: most of the car jitter is caused by engine jitter. As the name implies, the problem of engine jitter lies in the engine. The following are common failure points:

1. Lack of cylinder and lack of fire

This is the most common cause of engine jitter, not even one of them. The problem lies in the ignition coil or spark plug of the engine. If there is a problem with the ignition coil or the spark plug cannot jump fire for some reason, then the car will shake. Lack of cylinder is also a kind of fault that is better to judge. As long as the car jitters much more than usual at medium and low speeds and feels weak in acceleration, it can basically be concluded that the engine is short of cylinder.

2. Serious carbon deposit in the cylinder

If the carbon deposit in the cylinder seriously causes the engine spark plug to be blocked and the valve to be blocked, the problem of engine jitter will also occur. If the acceleration capacity of the car is not as good as before and the jitter is very long, then you can consider cleaning the engine cylinder.

3. Circuit problems

As we all know, there are many sensor devices on the engine that are responsible for transmitting engine signals, such as crankshaft sensors, knock sensors, etc. If these sensors have problems, it may lead to engine intake, if the fuel injection is adversely affected, it is also possible that the engine jitter occurs.

4. Engine block leg pad aging

This is also a very common cause of jitter. If your car engine jitter becomes more and more serious, but the power does not become weaker, you can consider whether it is a machine foot pad.

Summary: the above are some common types of faults that cause "car jitter". I suggest friends collect them. If the car jitters, take a look and analyze them yourself, in case of being fooled by the repair factory, it is useless to clean throttle gate for several times. Do you think so?