[Note] No Wonder the More Your Car Is Maintained, the Faster It Is.....

Car maintenance is very particular about methods. Once you use the wrong method, you will do more harm than good! Next, 11 wrong maintenance methods compiled by the editor are shared, hoping to help the majority of car owners!

11 wrong maintenance

1 Take a cold bath for your car after exposure

After the vehicle is exposed to the sun, some car owners will take a cold bath for their cars, believing that this can make the vehicle cool down quickly. However, you will soon find that after the shower, your car will stop eating immediately. Because, after the car is exposed to the Sun, the surface of the car paint and the temperature of the engine are very high. Thermal expansion and cold contraction will shorten the life of the car paint and gradually lose its luster, often giving a "cold bath" to your car will eventually lead to chapped paint and peeling. If the engine strikes, the maintenance cost will cost a lot.

2 The left foot keeps stepping on the clutch, clutch disc wear fast

The clutch disc of the car is always very easy to wear, and even complained that the 4S store used bad accessories.

After careful inquiry, it was found that some drivers always used to step on the clutch with their left foot when driving, believing that this could better control the vehicle, but in fact, this method caused great damage to clutch disc, especially when running at high speed, the long-term semi-clutch state will make clutch disc wear rapidly.

So remind everyone, don't get used to half-stepping clutch. At the same time, the starting method of the second gear will also lead to premature damage of the clutch, and the first starting method is the most correct method.

3 If you don't step on it, it will be with stops

Why does the gearbox often break down inexplicably? In fact, in addition to hardware failures, this problem is mostly due to the fact that car owners are busy with with stops before they step on the clutch, which not only makes it difficult to accurately mount the gear, but also operates in this way for a long time, it is a fatal damage to the gearbox of manual gear models!

Automatic gear models are also not immune. Although there is no problem of stepping on clutch and shifting gears, many basin friends hurriedly put up P gear when the vehicle does not stop completely, which is also a very unwise way, the gearbox is also difficult to bear the situation that the vehicle condition is inconsistent with the operation.

4 The oil gauge light is on for refueling

Car owners usually wait for the fuel gauge light to come on. However, this habit is very bad, because the oil pump is located in the oil tank, and the temperature of the oil pump is relatively high when it works continuously, so immersion in the fuel can effectively cool down.

When the oil lamp is on, it indicates that the oil surface is lower than that of the oil pump. If you wait for the light to come on every time, the gasoline pump will not be fully cooled and the service life of the oil pump will be shortened. In short, in daily driving, it is best to refuel when the oil gauge shows that there is still a grid of oil.

5 don't shift when it is time to shift

The engine is very prone to the problem of carbon deposition. First of all, it requires the owners to conduct self-inspection. Do they often be lazy and do not shift gears when they should shift gears.

For example, when the vehicle speed rises to a higher level and the vehicle speed does not match the jitter, the original Gear remains unchanged. This low gear high speed method increases the engine load and greatly damages the engine, and it is very easy to cause carbon deposition.

6 big foot throttle

There are often some drivers who are used to blowing a few feet of throttle when the vehicle starts, starts or turns off, which is commonly known as "getting on the bus with three feet of oil, getting off with three feet of oil".

The reason is: it is difficult to start without the accelerator; It is easy to shut down without the accelerator at the beginning; It is difficult to start next time without the accelerator when the accelerator is turned off. In fact, the accelerator makes the engine speed fast and slow, the load of the running parts is large and small, and the piston forms an irregular impact movement in the cylinder, in severe cases, the connecting rod will bend and the piston will be broken, causing the engine to be scrapped.

7 window lift is not in place

Many car owners complain that the vehicle glass motor operated switch does not work or the window glass cannot be lifted and lowered in place. In fact, this is not a quality problem of the vehicle. Facts have proved that this is also related to the mistakes in daily operations, especially car owners with bear children should pay more attention.

When using electric glass lifter, when the window is to the end or rises to the top, be sure to let go in time, otherwise compete with the mechanical parts of the vehicle, then...... Just spend money.

8 forget to put handbrake on driving

The car owner did not develop the habit of pulling the handbrake when parking, but the car went downhill. Some car owners are worried that they often pull the handbrake, but they forget to put the handbrake when starting again, and even stop the car until they smell the scorching smell.

If you find that the handbrake is not placed when driving, even if the road is not very long, you should check it and repair or replace it when necessary according to the wear degree of brake parts.

9 shock absorber, spring is vulnerable, even the suspension is broken

Many car owners jumped up to show their superb driving skills when they got on the Horse Road. However, when the vehicle goes up and down curb, it will cause great damage to the front wheel suspension and sidewall. For example, the sidewall rubber of meridian line tire is relatively low in strength compared with the tread, and it is easy to be pushed out of the "bag" during the collision process ", the tire is scrapped.

Therefore, it should be avoided as much as possible. If you can't, you can't. When you have to go on it, use some small methods to minimize the damage to the vehicle.

10 power steering pump vulnerable is due to the long time full direction

Because of the frequent use, power steering pump is one of the vulnerable parts on the vehicle, which cannot guarantee that she is not bad, but there is a trick that can help prolong its service life.

When you need to turn the direction, it is better to return a little bit after hitting the head. Don't let the power steering pump be in a tight state for a long time. Such a small detail will prolong life.

11 Add mushroom at will

Adding mushroom can increase the intake of the car. If the engine "eats" more, the power will naturally increase. However, for the air containing a large amount of small dust in the north, more small dust is brought into the cylinder while the intake volume is plus-sized, which causes the early wear of the engine and affects the dynamic performance of the engine. Therefore, the installation of "mushroom" must be combined with the local actual environment.

We must pay attention to these behaviors. If these problems occur in the process of maintaining the car, we should correct them as soon as possible to avoid causing damage to the car.