The Unveiling Ceremony of BYD's "The Birthplace of the World's First Plug-in Hybrid Car" Was Held in Xi'an

from:Network date:2024-05-25 reading:682

On May 24, the unveiling ceremony of "the birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid car" was officially unveiled in BYD Xi'an High-Tech Industrial Park. The rise of "the birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid car" commemorative plaque is not only a witness to BYD DM plug-in hybrid technology as an industry pioneer, it is also an interpretation of BYD's unremitting efforts in the field of plug-in hybrid for more than 20 years. At the same time, this is also an important milestone in the development of China's new energy vehicle market.

In December 2008, BYD F3DM, the world's first plug-in hybrid car, was released from mass production in BYD high-tech industrial park in Xi'an. The DM(Dual Mode) Dual-Mode technology carried by this model creates a hybrid technology route based on electricity and realizes the driving Mode of "short-distance electricity consumption and long-distance Oil Consumption, it not only breaks the restrictions on professional charging stations, but also brings driving experience and power performance beyond the traditional fuel vehicle.

As the first enterprise in the world to develop plug-in hybrid technology, BYD has started research and development for hybrid electric vehicle since it entered the automotive industry in 2003. After four generations of technological innovation, BYD established the mainstream position of plug-in hybrid technology in the field of hybrid power, which promoted the outbreak of China's plug-in hybrid market. From 2020 to 2023, in just three years, the sales volume of BYD mixed models increased 30 times, from 48000 in 2020 to 1.43 million in 2023. Today, the sales volume of BYD's plug-in and mixed models is the first in the world. In China, one of the two plug-in and mixed models is BYD.

On May 28, BYD's fifth generation DM technology will be released in Xi'an. This technology will once again create a new record of low fuel consumption, forming another subversion of traditional fuel vehicle. Please look forward to it!